A   = Attorney (Licensed in State)

AC  = Has Attorney or Other Legal Professional Contact(s) helpful in Earth Religion rights and/or information

AF  = e-mail accepts attached files

AR  = Artist

B64 = Accepts Base64 encoded files

BIN = Accepts BINHEX encoded files

BOC = Business organization contacts helpful in religious rights and/or information

C___= Clergy, recognized in State of ___

CC  = Has Pagan of Pagan Friendly Clergy Contacts)

CMS = Computer Modem Speed _____

CO  = Community Outreach

CPA = Certified Public Accountant

D   = Digest Compiler

DL  = Provides Document Layout

DRN = Deals with reporters and news media

E-400 = Has very fast modem connection

EBO = Experience with business organizations

ECC = Experience in Cybercommunity through e-mail and website Info

EIV = Have been interviewed/filmed by television, radio or newspaper

Env = Environmental Engineer/Analyst

ENP = Experience with non-Pagan religious organizations

EOC = Experience with Outside Contacts in general public, such as civic organizations/clubs, etc.

ERR = Experience with others in Community involved in Earth Religion Rights

ERS = Experience with Earth Religion Rights contacts in several states and/or have a public record of helping Earth Religion Rights situations in several states and private contacts in several states

ES  = Emotional Support

F$P = Professional fund-raiser

FR  = Fund Raising

GLD = Graphics/logo design

HC  = Hospital Chaplain

HFP = Host fundraising parties

HV  = Willing to visit hospitals

IFC = Interfaith organization contacts helpful in religious rights and/or information

IP  = Interfaith Projects

IRC = has IRC access

J   = Journalist/Reporter

KBS = Kilobytes per second modem speed

Lad  Legal Advisor to an Earth Rel. Rights Org

LE  = Law Enforcement Officer

LEC = Law Enforcement contacts that are helpful in religious rights and/or information

LLL = Lady Liberty League

LPD = Licensed Private Detective

LP  = Licensed Professional Psychological Counselor

LT  = Trained and Licensed Therapist/Counselor

LS  = Law Student

LSW = Trained and certified Social Worker/Family Services Provider

LW  = Letter Writer

M  =  Does or helps with Mailings

MAC_=  Macintosh Computer (with System_)

MC =  Media Consultant with Extensive Knowledge of Earth Religion issues

MIME= Accepts Mime files

MMC = Mainstream Media outlet contacts helpful in religious rights and/or information (newspapers, magazines. TV and/or radio)

NCA = Does not take child abuse cases

NCC = Does not take child custody cases

NFC = Does not take cases involving felony criminal charges

NHS = Does not take cases outside home state

NKF = Does not take cases involving key factors other than religious discrimination

N__ = Does not take cases involving ___

OLE = Organize Large Events

P   = Paralegal

P100= P100 Personal Computer

PAE = Provided Attorneys with educational materials

PC  = Personal Computer (IBM Compatible)

PCL  = Prison chaplain

PE  = Provide Entertainment

PEL = Provides Event Lists

Pent - Pentium Computer

PGP = codes/decodes PGP encryption

PEM = Produced educational materials

PEPR = Educates Earth Religionists on how to protect their rights

Pent = Pentium PC

PET = Provided expert testimony in Earth Religion Legal Cases

PEV = Produced educational videos

PI  = Investigated allegations of religious rights   Violations

PIEL = Deigns and installs e-mail lists

PLE = Provided Law Enforcement Personnel with Educational Material

PLHO  = Legal handfastings in Ohio

PLHX = Legal Handfastings in other states

PLET = Provided Law Enforcement Personnel with in-person, formal training on Earth Religions

PLT = Provided assistance/training to Earth Religion Practitioners on civil rights, legal research 

PLW = Initiated or participated in Letter Writing or Telephone campaigns

PMC = Pagan Media outlet contacts helpful in religious rights and/or information

PMS = Provide Meeting Space

POC = Political organization/legislative contacts helpful in religious rights and/or information

PP  = Publicity/Promotion

PPE = Provides Public Education on Earth Religions

PR  = Printing

PRF  = Provides Referrals

PS  = Public speaking

PSS = Provide Sound Systems

PV  = Prison visitation

PWI = Provides Website Installation & Hosting

PWP = Provides Word Processing

R   = Research

RIC = Rumor Investigation/Control

RRA = Experienced Religious Rights Activist

ROPCe = Remove from OPC e-mail list

ROPCS = Remove from OPC Postal mailings

RDL   = Remove from directory listings

ROPCU= Do not send e-mails on new OPC developments 

SC  = Spiritual Counseling

SH  = Spiritual Handfastings

SL  = Action against Slander of Earth Religions

SM  = Supplies/Materials

SR  = Other Spiritual Rites of Passage

SSC = Has professional social service contacts helpful in religious rights and/or information

TEDM= Trained and Experienced Dispute Mediator

TDP = Trained and Documented Psychic Counselor.

TR  = Treasurer

TT  = Telephone Tree Organizing

U18 = Under age 18

UUE = Accepts UU encoded files

WA  = Has Web Access

WL  = Workshops/Lectures

WPD = WebPage design

WS  = Full Access to a Web Server 

W31 =Windows 3.1 W95 =Womdows95 W98 =Windows 98 

Zip = Can zip and unzip files


AMER - Alliance for Magical and Earth Religions

CAWP - Canton Area Wiccans/Pagans

CIODF - Church of Iron Oak Defense Fund

COG - Covenant of the Goddess

CRL- Church of Radiant Light

CSO - Church of Spiral Oak

ERAA - Earth Religion Assistance Association

ERAL - Earth Religion Assistance List

ERLAN - Earth Religion Legal Assistance Network

GR - Gaia Rising

KNC - Kent Neopagan Coalition-P

LLL - Lady Liberty League

MPN - Military Pagan Network

NEOPNC- Northeast Ohio Pagan Networking Circle

OCRT - Ontario Consultants for Religious Tolerance

OFC = Our Freedom Coalition 

OPC  = Ohio Pagan Confederation

PAL - Pagan Awareness League

PCCO - Pagan Community Council of Ohio

PEN - Pagan Educational Network

PILC - Public Interest Law Collective

POWER - Protective Order of Witches and Earth Religions

PULC - Progressive Universal Life church

QPN - Queer Pagan Network

SEA - Sacred Earth Alliance

TCP - The CommonWealth Pagan

ULC - Universal Life Church

UU -Unitarian Universalist

WADL - Witches Anti Discrimination Lobby

WARD - Witches Against Religious Discrimination

WPN - World Pagan Network



B       = Board Member

BT      = Board of Trustees
CS      = Circle Sanctuary

LA      = Legal Advisor

M       = Moderator

P       = President

RD      = Regional Director

S       = Secretary

SC      = Steering Committee

TR      = Treasurer

VP      = Vice President